The Board

EMC board is based in Brussels and is made up of a team of experienced marketers who are based throughout Europe and beyond.

Our permanent management board members are supported by external consultants and volunteers from our member associations, each bringing in-depth experience of marketing, sales and communication.

Ralf Strauss
Chairman (EMC)

Dr. Ralf E. Strauss is Managing Partner of Customer Excellence GmbH, Managing Partner CMO Academy GmbH, Managing Partner Marketing Tech Lab GmbH, Chairman CMO Community, Chairman Digital CMO Community, Former President of the German Marketing Association (DMV).

Chris Daly
Vice-chairman (EMC) and Chief Executive at the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) UK

Chris was appointed CEO of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) in March 2016.

Alvyde Palaimaite
Vice-chairman (EMC), Managing Director, LIMA at Vilnius, Lithuania

Alvyde is an experienced entrepreneur with a focus on e-commerce, marketing and management.

Martin Huisman
Chief Operations Officer at EMC

Martin is Board Member since 2013 and former Chairman at National Institute of Marketing (NIMA), The Netherlands.

Andreas Balazs
Board Member (EMC), President of the Swiss Marketing Association (SM)

Andreas Balazs is president of the Swiss Marketing Association since 2018.

Carlos Sá
Board Member (EMC), President of the Portuguese Association of Marketing Professionals at lisbon, Portugal

Carlos Sá is President of the Portuguese Association of Marketing Professionals (APPM). Carlos is also a professor at the Portuguese Institute of Administration and Marketing (IPAM), and CMO at Talent SGPS.

María Sánchez del Corral
Board Member (EMC), Vicepresident, Spanish Marketing Association at Madrid, Spain

María is CEO and Partner at Sowhat.Team and Associate Professor of the Master's Degree in Communication Management & Public Affairs. 

Iryna Lylyk
Board Member (EMC), General Director Ukrainian Marketing Association at Kyiv

Iryna is, General Director of the Ukrainian Marketing Association at Kyiv.

Shane McGonigle
Member of EMC and Chief Executive Officer at the Marketing Institute of Ireland (MII)
Georg Wiedenhofer Mag.
Member of EMC and Chairman of AMC and MCÖ at Austria

Georg Wiedenhofer Mag. is Professor for Social and Economic Sciences and is Chairman of the Austrian Marketing Association.

Florian Möckel
Board Member (EMC), Geschäftsführer und Vorstand Bundesverband Marketing Clubs

Florian has more than 15 years experience as CEO and Co-Owner of Production and Service Companies.

After his MBA Studies at the most known University for Marketing in Germany he started his currier at Bertelsmann (biggest Media Company in Europe) in several Management positions.

He developed a lot of Products and Services for companies such as amazon, DHL, UPS, MC Donalds and invented the digital Photobook.

Florian has been awarded as most innovative Company and printing Manager of the year as he was CEO of a printing group.

From 2019 to 2021 he was founder and Präsident of a University in Switzerland and Professor for Marketing and Innovation