EMC News
Getting the most out of automation
01 Jul 2018

With marketing spend predicted to more than double for marketing automation platforms by 2023 [1], we take a look at what it is and how to get the most out of it.

AI – what is it and are we ethically prepared?
05 Jun 2018

Use of artificial intelligence (AI) in marketing isn’t a new phenomenon with over half of marketers in the UK currently using it [1] (51%), and 27% expecting to deploy AI technology in 2019.

Why is marketing important and what role does the marketing association play?
01 May 2018

Marketing is one of the most important things that a business can do to develop and grow. The practice of marketing goes back millennia, having first appeared in dictionaries in the sixteenth century.

Creating a recipe for success through governance
03 Apr 2018

At our last marketing forum in Hamburg, Tom Trainor, Chief Executive of the Marketing Institute of Ireland and EMC board member, spoke to our members about his perspective on governance for businesses.